"When the press focuses on the sex lives of politicians,
reach for your pocket and see who's pulling out your wallet"
(Noam Chomsky)

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Open letter to David Cameron: EU leaders must insist on an end to the Gaza blockade

38 years ago 14 young people were tragically shot dead in Northern Ireland during a civil disturbance. Yesterday you stood in the House of Commons and said, "What happened on Bloody Sunday was both unjustified and unjustifiable. It was wrong...what happened should never, ever have happened."
You went on to say, " Some members of our armed forces acted wrongly. The government is ultimately responsible for the conduct of the armed forces and for that, on behalf of the government, indeed, on behalf of our country, I am deeply sorry."
It is eerie to think that just two weeks ago, an exact replica of Bloody Sunday occurred, this time in International waters off the coast of Gaza.
Learn from Bloody Sunday. Learn from the Saville Report. We must not let another 38 years burn before we learn the truth this time.
In the words of Lord Saville, "what happened on Bloody Sunday strengthened the Provisional IRA, increased hostility towards the Army and exacerbated the violent conflict of the years that followed". The EU said on Monday that the blockade ' is unacceptable and politically counterproductive'. This terrible attack could lead to further extremism or it could be a turning point in the spiral of violence and injustice.

Europe must take the lead to end the siege of Gaza, but if Mr Blair has his way Europe will fall back on a softly softly approach, losing this historic opportunity.

More than any of the other EU leaders, you have just felt the effects of Bloody Sunday on your skin, but you have also experienced the cleansing power of Lord Saville's report. You must therefore now take the lead and bring truth, transparency and impartiality to the investigation of the Gaza flotilla raid.

I urge you to prove to us all that you have the political clout and integrity to succeed where Tony Blair has so miserably failed.

I look forward to learning that you have succeeded in this mission.

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